Friday, March 29, 2013

3/29/13 Easter egg coloring

Well this was our first time coloring eggs together. Nothing fancy but Allison enjoyed coloring them. She first used a marker to color them but it came off in the hot water. She wouldn't listen to me when I explained not to use marker. But she it doesn't listen! 😁

Here they are:

Friday, March 22, 2013

3/22/13 - random sayings..........

Here are just a few of the lastest comments from Allison (age 4).

- She had woken up at 4am one night and came in our room to ask for more water. I gave her my water bottle to take back to her room. She went back to her room and then returned and asked if i could tuck her back in. Daddy went and laid with her. After a short time, she said Daddy you have stayed for too many songs and you are married to mom so you should go back to your own bed now.

- Allison also told Daddy to tell me "thank you" for giving her my water bottle.

- She went to the dentist with me and has so much fun. She put on her sunglasses and got a mask to put on. The sunglasses were supposed to resemble the glasses the hygentist uses. She was helping the hygentist/dentist inspect my teeth. When we got home she said she needs a toothbrush and a mirror to look at my teeth. She had a blast helping them out!